
Contact us! (402) 564-0815

What We Do:

ESU 7 Cen7ter is a specialized program meticulously designed to cater to the unique needs of students aged 14 to 21 with developmental disabilities. Our overarching mission is to empower each student, harnessing their individual strengths, and equipping them with the necessary skills for a successful transition to independence in various facets of life, including school, community, employment, leisure, and social settings.

Cen7ter's comprehensive curriculum revolves around five core domains:

  1. Domestic (home life)
  2. Recreation and leisure
  3. Vocational
  4. Community
  5. Social skills

Within these domains, we integrate crucial skills such as functional academics, self-advocacy, motor coordination, and effective communication. Our dedicated staff, specially trained to support students with diverse needs, work diligently to foster independence in all these areas. Our ultimate aim is to nurture capable and successful citizens who actively contribute to our community.

Cen7ter's offerings encompass:

  • Specially Trained Staff: A team of professionals with expertise in special education.
  • Sensory Support: Tailored sensory input when needed.
  • Motor Skill Development: Targeted activities to enhance motor skills.
  • Vocational Experiences: Opportunities for hands-on vocational training through partnerships with over 20 local businesses.
  • Customized Instruction: Individualized teaching plans tailored to each student's requirements.
  • Positive Learning Environment: An atmosphere designed to encourage positive interactions and learning.
  • Community Engagement: Participation in community activities, including movies, bowling, field trips, and shopping.
  • Social Interaction: Daily opportunities for social interaction to nurture communication skills and enhance social understanding among students and staff alike.

ESU 7 Cen7ter's unwavering commitment lies in cultivating independence, enabling students to thrive and excel in all facets of their lives, and fostering their invaluable contributions to our community.

2024-2025 ESU 7 Level III Programs Calendar


Making a Referral:

  • The district staff gets permission from parents to share educational documents and observe student.
  • The district fills out the application form. 
  • Cen7ter staff reviews educational documents.
  • Cen7ter teacher &/or Principal completes observation(s) and consults with district staff regarding the student.
  • Cen7ter administrator will notify the school district if the student’s needs do or do not match the Cen7ter programming.
    • Students’ needs may not be met by Cen7ter when:
      • Cen7ter does not have the necessary resources to meet their needs.
      • The student’s needs do not fit the parameters of our program:
        • Age 14 - 21
        • Vocational skills & Life Skills focused
  • An Individual Education Plan meeting will be scheduled.
    • If the IEP team chooses to change the placement of the student to the Cen7ter when it is offered as an option:
      • Parents will be given the Notification of Change of Placement.
      • A new IEP will be drafted to outline:
        • The students present level of performance/ progress.
        • How/what services will be provided.
        • The length of the student’s school day & Number of days per week the student will be at the Cen7ter.
        • Goals
        • Modifications/accommodations the student needs.
        • Services and supports needed.
        • Transportation needs.
    • District staff (contact person and administration) will be given a Cen7ter handbook.
  • Parents/guardians and the student will be invited to visit the Cen7ter.
    • Parents will complete needed forms and paperwork for Cen7ter attendance.
    • Student Services Principal and/or representative will go over policies and procedures related to the handbook and other forms.
  • The student will begin attending Cen7ter as determined by IEP and will complete an induction process, learning the expectations and procedures at Cen7ter.

Intake Procedure when students & parents/guardians come to visit Cen7ter building:

  1. Student/Parent (guardians) tour building, meet teachers/paraprofessionals (if available).
  2. Student/Parent (guardians) sit with staff and go over parent/student handbook sections and show them the forms they will need to complete to help answer questions. 
  3. Parent (Guardians) will meet with the nurse (if available - otherwise, principal or teacher).
    1. Additional Medical Forms
      1. Over the counter medication form
      2. Medication release (transportation)
      3. Seizure action plan (if needed)
Students Lifting Weights
Tami Clay
Tamra Clay
Special Education Director
Ext. 1018
Cara Neesen
Cara Neesen
Student Services Principal
Ext. 1008
Angie Arndt
Angela Arndt
Special Education Administrative Assistant
Ext. 1017
Barbara Brockhaus
Barbara Brockhaus
Rachel Burgress
Rachel Burgress
Cen7ter Special Education Teacher
Ext. 1053
Jeri Glenn
Jeri Glenn
Harriet Kibalya
Harriet Kibalya
Susan Olmer
Susan Olmer
Ext. 1019
Kaylee Olmer
Kaylee Olmer
Meredith Rhea
Meredith Rhea
Cen7ter Special Education Teacher
Tammy Semrad
Tammy Semrad
Joanna Terrazas
Joanna Terrazas